Your indset can ake or break your business – FESCH.TV


Do you ever have those times when you just give up almost entirely on your dreams? You are not alone. I have many times. But I am a fighter and I am honest with myself about my shadow side. It is very easy to self-sabotage your own desires. Yes, most of the time no matter how you put it, you are the one to blame in some way.

Your shadow traits can easily get mixed up with your feelings of worthiness, confidence, creativity, passion, and love. These days, it is normal not to be 100% and I want to acknowledge this truth. I see you and experience this often. It’s sad and sometimes heartbreaking. In your darkest moments, Know you are lying about your perception of yourself and others. You become your worst enemy and your life slips away from you easily. You sit there floating and have no means to hold onto your treasured values, beliefs, relationships, and future. You begin to isolate. You are lying.

Why are we so hard on ourselves? Our brains are wired this way and it is up to us to override the system. This is the hardest and most powerful thing a human can do in my opinion. I believe we are all sacred puzzles with levels and keys that unlock doors to our happiness and along the way, some force within us will begin to get lazy and desireLESS because of patterns and unwelcome circumstances. Our minds go to negativity and take us down dark paths, we feel tired in our souls. It can really drag you down. I know that when this happens to me, I watch too much tv, I sleep too much or can’t sleep at all, I eat all the wrong things, I stop moving and doing things I enjoy… I slowly unravel my own future and everything I have built. Then I come back to my senses at some point and feel lackluster at how much work I need to do and the healing that must take place to get back to where I was just a day, a week, or a month ago… I don’t think I am alone and I believe most people hide this. Because who wants to admit to it?! Not me really. I want you to know that this is your biggest hurdle in life. And it isn’t just one hurdle… they keep coming! I sacrifice to make it over. I stop watching tv and read. Or I begin hiking or kayaking again. I start painting and sitting outside with my sketchbook. I listen to Oasis and rock it out. I do the opposite of what I have been doing cause that isn’t working! I immediately stop bad habits and look for ways to reorganize my thoughts and rebel against what seems to be the only way to live, the only way to eat, the only way to work, and all the rules that are bs. I do not take my time in this area because life is so short. I come clean with myself and move forward. I don’t always heal completely because I work so quickly. It’s like, nothing to see here folks! Move along… Bub bye! Lol! I move very very quickly. Once in a while, it is a slow go and this needs to happen for the really deep stuff. I find strength and hope inside me and then I transform. I don’t look for shortcuts and do it all cold turkey style. Like I am in Bootcamp or something. I decide to do this. I don’t need anyone to tell me what’s wrong because most of the time it is pretty obvious.

You have all the answers you need to move forward in your life and business. If you feel stuck, you must get out of that situation like you are the superhero of your own feature film and you’re getting rid of this imposter who happens to look just like you. It is imperative that you live up to not just the responsibility of you and your family… but to the world. Society is about participating fully, giving, serving, supporting others, and bringing your value wholeheartedly.

You know when something is not right. So fess up to yourself and just get rid of that garbage. You don’t need it and you are definitely strong enough. It all takes you away from your soul’s purpose in life. And if you don’t know what that is right now, you better start your search on the inside. Because that is where the truth lives.

Be good to yourself out there and reach out for help if you need it. Life is for living. This message is important to me and I hope it reaches the right people. Please stop repeating cycles that do not serve you well. It affects everything.

On another note, my community, VisibilityYOU Livestreaming for Women, is holding a massively creative 5-day challenge. We are going to up-level our personal fashion style for the LIvestreaming video and talk about the space in which we do it too! We will be accessing our imagination and recreating ourselves a bit. There will be a prize for the woman in business who has the biggest transformation. She will win a free Feminine Brand Consultation with me. A huge value! We would love for you to join us. I will be taking the challenge along with everyone too! I am excited! Sign up here!

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